Why OnlineJobs.ph?

Your staff works from home at the most affordable rates in the world.
No ongoing commitment or fees. Communicate with, hire, and pay workers directly. Your staff don't work for us.
Your staff works on your terms—part time, full time, hourly or salaried.
OnlineJobs.ph has the largest database of Filipino virtual workers: more than 3,000,000 profiles and 45,000+ Filipino jobseekers join each month.
Proactively Contact Workers or Post A Job and let them come to you.
OnlineJobs.ph is just the marketplace. You recruit and hire on your terms.

Hire great workers at an unbeatable price

For as little as $400 a month, you can find Filipino virtual workers to take on even the most challenging tasks in your business. You won’t get this kind of value anywhere else.

Find some of the following skilled workers at incredible full-time rates:

  • Programmers

    Full-time rate:



  • Designers

    Full-time rate:



  • SEO Specialists

    Full-time rate:



  • Social Media Experts

    Full-time rate:



  • Virtual Assistants

    Full-time rate:



We remove the middlemen

We don’t mark-up salaries. We provide you a simple place to find and contact
quality workers. Then you hire and arrange salaries as you see fit.

Why look to the Philippines?

You’ll find countless options as you search for virtual help to support your business.

Basic cultural traits, advanced education, and proficient English make Filipinos the ideal virtual workers. After years of experience, we’ve found they can’t be beat.

The Philippine culture is perfect for outsourcing candidates.

Filipinos (as a people...generally) are loyal, honest, hard working, very westernized, speak great english, and are very pleasing. It makes for a great work situation for outsourcing.

See how it works



Create an account and post a job in our job board.



Our advanced algorithms will match your post with the strongest candidates.



Interview the best candidates and easily recruit them to be part of your business.


10,000+ jobs posted in the past 30 days.

Businesses recruiting Filipino
workers on OnlineJobs.ph

User Case Studies

Start your Journey with OnlineJobs.