Full Time
Mar 19, 2025
Hi There,
I am a video director based out of Sydney, Australia. I have alot of editing work available for the right person, From creative video in the hair, fashion and beauty world to talking heads corporate interviews and also BTS and Reel creation.
We will work together on projects where i may just require assistance with sub clipping with the plan in the future to have someone i can trust with a project from start to finish where you will be provide with footage, a clear brief and references
You can see our work at www.abovemedia.club
I am looking for a highly experienced editor to join our team at ABOVE MEDIA
It's important for the right person to have the required experience in DaVinci resolve as we will work together on Cloud based project files with proxy files and I will produce final exports from Sydney with the High Res Content.
I also am looking for someone open to learning and growing with the business and also ideally searching for someone who has their own creative flair that I can begin to trust and lean on for future work knowing that the end result produced will be to the required standard. At times you will have creative freedom where some times you'll need to fit to a clients brief.
Please touch base if this is something you are interested in, we would be able to start right away once I find the right person.
Initially id be wanting to see some of your work and perhaps do a trial edit to see how your creativity flows with whats been previously produced which would be paid.
Financially I want you to grow with us so when bigger budgets come in bonuses will be paid on top of full time rates as I am a firm believer that we should all win
Open to negotiations on hourly rates pending experience and expertise
I look forward to receiving your application and meeting you, Then start creating together